Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Ice Ice Baby!


I have lived in the south all of my life first in Charlotte NC and now in North Texas. Living in these areas has its colorful locals for certain but for the most part I work and live with people that are from all areas on the US and world. I meet very few people who are actually from the area. So today the melting pot are at odds with each other. Today we have ice everywhere which only happens perhaps twice a year and it never fails during these brief interludes of ice that someone from "bad weather land" will comment on how much us backwards hillbilly folk can not drive in bad weather.

First of all we are hillbillies but it is never nice to call people names. Secondly can anyone really drive on ice? I mean sure people from "bad weather land" can drive on snow because you see it more often than those of us that live closer to the equator, but ice is ice, no traction, slippery, fall down go boom, etc. Thirdly you might be from "bad weather land" and have driven in snow every day of your life but the fact is you are in the south now where we see snow/ice once or twice a year so our local governments do not have the money to invest in the equipment necessary to properly prepare and clean the roads. Even if you are used to it the roads here are not as well taken care. So if you see me driving 10 miles per hour leave me be I'm nervous! Give me lots of room! It's really in your best interest I may freak out at any moment!


"That's all I got to say about that"


The RockStar said...

My family is for the most part still in in Western PA ... they have already received plenty of feet of snow .. but you are correct ... they have the equipment to deal with it and everybody is used to the white stuff, so no one drives stupid.

As for your talk about locals ... your sign should be on my street ... the VIP posse is everywhere is SFL

Bones said...

In NM we had a lot of ice storms and I was driving out of the highschool one day and my tires were REALLY bald. I was sliding in circles all over the road like a really bad bumper car driver. I didn't hit anyone cuz that is something they really covered in the local driver's training...how to get yourself out of that predicament. But I dont remember them shutting down our school back in those days for ice/snow. I think you are right that when it is more prevalent, it is less of a big deal. You go to work, you drive on ice.

You driving 10 mph makes me paranoid. Sure you are 16 car spaces behind the guy in front of you and riding your brakes, but half of DFW is riding on YOUR bumper thinking you are 97 years old.

The Wife said...

Ice or 90 degrees. I'm a horrible driver!

Burkulater said...

I love Vanilla Ice.

The Wife said...

Who saw Cool as Ice?

K-Dogg said...

i want a vanilla ice hair cutt

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