How can you be Pro Life and Pro Choice? I believe that life begins at conception. This is the real sticking point in the Roe vs Wade legislation. Until the Supreme Court decides when life begins Roe vs Wade will never be overturned. Of course they are not willing to make this call. That is why it is so important who is President of the United States. One man can change very little in 4-8 years on such topics as the economy, taxes, welfare, etc but the one thing that he/she can do is appoint judges to the Supreme Court. We the people can not do this. They are not elected but appointed by the people we elect. That is why it is important who is elected POTUS. So if you could care less about Obama and McCain remember they could appoint the next judge to the Supreme court! You still have time to register and vote!
Pro Choice is about the woman's right to choose what happens with her body. I believe this as well but I think they have it all wrong. Women (and men) chose to have sex (Not in all cases. I will cover that in a minute) therefore they had a choice in the creation of this life. It is really no mystery how babies are created so the choice to have sex is really the choice to have a baby or not. Of course most people do not think of it that way or at least in the heat of passion they don't. Every time you have sex you are playing the odds with or without birth control you are still risking pregnancy. The only sure method of birth control is abstinence. This method works every time. My grandmother used to call this the penny between your knees method. After the woman made that choice she is done choosing what happens to her body. Some say that the baby is a part of the woman's body until birth and the umbilical cord is cut making it a separate entity. I do not agree with this logic, an apple is attached to the apple tree in much the same way an infant is attached to the mother. The apple is attached with a stem by which it gets its nutrients. We do not look at the apple and call it an apple tree, they are not considered one and the same. Why do we consider mother and child the same? In my opinion they simply are not. So I agree when they say the woman has the right to do with her body as she wishes we just disagree on what is her body. If she breaks her arm and decides not to go to the hospital and get a cast for it then that is her right to choose. If she decides to get that crooked nose fixed then have at it not my place to tell you that you may not fix your nose. That is your body and you have every right to choose what happens to it. I just disagree with the premise that a baby is your body.
When the woman does not choose to have sex such as the case of rape and incest then most Pro Lifers will give you that and say it is ok to terminate the life at that point. I do not agree with this, I think the only valid reason to terminate that life is if the mother and baby's life is in danger.
An acquaintance of mine who is an avid Republican asked if my wife was raped would I allow her to have the baby. I said absolutely! It is not the babies fault in which manor he/she were conceived why would I terminate his/her life just because of the method of conception. He flipped out and could not understand this. His point was that he would be reminded of the criminal act every time he looked at that child to which I replied "then that is a fault in you not in the child". I don't think he liked that comment either :) Ultimately it is not my right to choose death for another human being however that opinion comes from my belief in a higher power, in a supreme power. Without that in your life I suppose this argument does not hold much power. That is another discussion for another day however.
This is not a post about the right and wrong necessarily only that I think the two sides are arguing the wrong points. I don't condemn anyone who made this choice that is not my place and it would be arrogant of me to make that criticism. Which ever side you are on always reserve the right to change your mind! I have about some issues recently but that is another post as well.
I agree. Hard to imagine that a mature person would not openly embrace a child just because the child has another biological mother or father, or that parent did some horrible thing. Every child is a blessing. I hope we are never tested on this (rape). But you and I have discussed many times that if a 16 year old boy/girl walked up to our house today and said they were your child, I would be so happy that we have another child, no matter who the mother is or what she has done. Your child is my child. HECK! OTher people's children are our children! =0)
just getting up to speed here on ur little site. I'll bookmark it this time.
Through reading this I discovered a few things I didn't know:
1- My brother can write really well...Sorry, no disrespect meant here, but I had no idea you could write this well....Great job.
2- Wow! What a choice. I actually agree with you 99% I agree at the point of conception the term"my body and I can do what I want" is not relevant anymore. It's not just your body. Life is given at that point of conception. It may not be "clinically to some overpaid Dr, that it's life, but it is. That's where life begins. Without the conception there is no child...pretty common sense to me.
The only tricky part to me is Rape thing. I agree with's not the childs fault. On the other hand....I can't imagine how hard it would be for a woman to go through that and I can understand how she might want to forget about that as much as possible. The torment she would go through if she decided to keep the child is hard to think about. Everyday you look at that child you would remember what happened. Maybe time heals all wounds like they say. Then what if your married and your spouse has to deal with it as well. What if you already have other children and they have to go through it as well...assuming they are old enough to understand. It would be horrible, life changing, and would hurt all involved for the rest of their lives.
So what's the right choice in that case? I believe in that circumstance ONLY the woman should have the right to choose or if she's married, decide as a family. Maybe your strong, maybe your weak. Maybe you could handle the mental strain and the anguish you would face but I wouldn't want to be the one to tell them they HAD to have the child.
That is a tough choice and one I wish would never have to be made by anyone but I'm sure it happens.
My advice: not to make light of this very serious issue at all....but my advice is for all women.....Take some self defense classes....Be aware of your surroundings at ALL weary of people and never be alone. That sucks that we have to live this way but it's reality.
Good post
I am a one issue voter. Period. I can not do it any other way. I keep hearing about how Obama will save lives by pulling us out of the M.E. That is an arguement for another day on whether that will actually "save lives" but facts are facts. Will he be saving over 1.3 million lives next year alone by doing that? Because sadly that is what we are losing a year to abortion.
Set up programs to give desperate mothers another choice.
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