Good news! It turns out I am at least 50% less likely to have coronary diseases, at least that is what researchers determined. I was at a large gathering the other day full of men sweating in the hot sun jarring their bodies in a way in which they have not been jarred in many years to jockey for position as top Type A male. I would venture to say there were a couple fouls in the in pickup game of basketball and a more than eager willingness to spike the ball on a 7 year old girl to obtain the bragging rights associated with a win in the volley ball game. The trash talking came out early and you could see the competitiveness in the TypeA'ers just below the surface. They did their best to mask it as there were children playing and it was a church event but every once in a while you could see the cat ate the canary smile on their face as they scored on the others.
I am decidedly a TypeB personality. I know there is still debate on the validity of these classifications but I do see some value in their general classification. Me and a fellow TypeB'er were sitting in the lawn chairs, in the shade, talking about nothing of importance. We are just as comfortable talking to a group of woman as a group of men. Sweat does not appear on our brow when our wives ask us to hold their purse for a couple of minutes. We don't have to brag about our accomplishments, how much money we make, how much sex we have, or how big our biceps are (ha you thought I was going somewhere else with that didn't you). We can genuinely be happy for the others successes.
I am not pointing out the differences to say one is better than the other. All throughout my life I have chosen the TypeA personalities to be my best friends. I am naturally shy but once in the conversation can hold my own and enjoy talking with others. Over the years the TypeA's have broken the ice and got me into those crowds and I have met some extraordinary people that way. As I get older I rely less and less on that personality and just go it own my own. Perhaps I am less shy or less insecure of just have bigger things to worry about than if anyone likes me or not. Both of these roles are necessary in society and it is interesting to watch people as they interact. But watch out when there is a pickup game of basketball with a group of TypeA'ers you may catch a stray elbow all the way in the shade.
5 years ago
So does that mean J's a type A? I'm thinking NOT! Glad to see you in blog land!
Why didn't you just come out and say it: "My wife has a Type A personality." If you were married to Nancy you could have a Type AAA wife. Boy, you missed out big time! =0)
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